Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Interview

That special email that got my foot in the door. Job interviews are always so nerve wracking because you want the job, but I was doubly nervous about this one because I didn't know what to expect at all! We agreed to meet directly at the office. I located the building and it looked like an apartment....Then I saw the mailbox with the company on it and thought well, seems legit...

I entered the office and it indeed was converted from an apartment. The office had long work tables and was cluttered with photos of actors and documents. We chatted about where I was from, why I applied for the job, what part of production I was interested in, my Chinese ability, all standard interview questions. No behavioral or situational questions were asked. It took about 30 mins total and at the end, she was like well you're hired!

Some tips I have if you're doing an interview for an entertainment industry related position:
  1. Show your passion - This is the most important thing to show your interviewer. Honestly, they don't care about skills because they can train you. If you're not passionate about working in the industry, you probably won't stick around for the whole project, so make sure to show you're up to it!
  2. Be extra well-mannered - Working in Taiwan is all about ranks, and it's especially true of the entertainment industry. Whether it be based on experience, age, or the position, always add "jie"(姐) or "ge"(哥) to the end of someone's name and never call the director or assistant director by their name, refer to them by their title.
  3. Go with your gut - You should always be vigilant about scams. Look up the production company or any names you can find attached to the project. If something feels wrong, don't risk it!
  4. Evaluate your interviewer - Just like your interviewer is evaluating you, you should do the same. Usually the person interviewing you will be your future boss, so if you are already getting signs that you may have difficulty working with them, pass on the offer.
  5. Be prepared with questions to ask - You want to gather all the information you can before you agree to the project. It also shows how serious you are about the job. Ask questions about what your role is, the pay, the script, vacations, etc. Don't be afraid to ask!
Hope my experience and these tips give you some better insight on what it's like trying to become a producer. Like what you just read? Please subscribe to my blog or leave a comment!

Monday, March 2, 2015

5 Things I Don't Understand About Resumes in Asia

You can collect a lot of information about a country/culture when trying to put together a resume. I mean, you gotta fit in and tailor to your audience, right? After going through the process, here's what I have to say about it....

Top 5 Things I Don't Understand About Resumes in Asia

  1. You're asking for my photo?! Why....? Isn't this supposed to be about my skills and abilities, not how hot I am?
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  2. Fine. I gave away my identity and sent you my photo. Why do I have to also write down really personal information like age/weight/height/marriage status? THIS AIN'T MATCH.COM YO.
  3. Taiwanese bosses must love to read. A lot. Most of the sample resumes I consulted didn't know what being concise meant, loved long paragraphs, and adamantly refused to use bullet points.
  4. I need to include a personal statement??? I thought I already finished applying for college....and seriously, half of why I didn't apply to grad school is because I didn't want to go through the hoops of writing admissions essays again....
  5. One page rule? Fuck that shit, because I'm waaay better than that. I know I've just graduated from college, but I've already done way too many great things.
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Thoughts anyone? Please share below in the comments! Like what you just read? My followers' list is awfully lonely.....thanks in advance